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Social Security Strategies

Regardless of when you plan to retire, Social Security will likely be an important part of the road ahead. But, do you know the “rules of the road” when it comes to collecting Social Security? Determining when to begin benefits could be one of the biggest financial decisions you face, and there are key issues to consider. How can you get the most out of your benefits? During the seminar, you’ll find out more about your Social Security benefits and discuss the role they play when setting a clear direction for your financial future. You’ll learn the answers to your Social Security questions, including: 1) What are the rules for starting your Social Security benefits? 2) How do spouses coordinate their benefits? 3) Are there different routes to take that could potentially increase your benefits? 4) How do you decide where Social Security fits within your retirement plans?

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April 24, 2018
6:15 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.
KURZ Purdue Technology Center
1281 Win Hentschel Blvd
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Mike Mason Regional Director MEMBERS Insurance & Investments
2 blocks east of the Purdue Federal Branch on Win Hentschel Blvd in the Purdue Research Park.